Stop Burns Injury Program
The Khartum Shrine Burns Unit makes presentations to all ages of society, Chambers of Commerce, service clubs and any groups which may be interested in learning what the Shrine Burns Unit is about.
For children (kindergarten to grade six) we introduce the Shriners, to inform them of our functions and goals. We also make them aware of our 22 Shrine Hospitals spread across North America.
We then do a little preamble on a 15 minute Disney production, with cartoon characters, on how to burn proof your home. We then show the films after which we ask questions about the films content.
We cover “Stop, Drop and Roll” which is a program where children learn what to do in case any part of their clothes or someone else’s clothes catch on fire.
We then conclude the program and distribute handouts.
For further information please call the Burns Unit Chairman:
Lorne Gregorash
(204) 832-1200