Become a Sponsor
The FEZtival of Trees is a public event where organizations and businesses donate fully decorated Christmas trees that are displayed and raffled off to the public. This type of event has been hosted by other Shrine organizations around Canada and the United States for several years. Dates of the FEZtival are November 12 to 14, 2020 at the Khartum Shrine Centre, 1155 Wilkes Avenue. As recognition, your company name will be displayed in the ticket vessel next to the tree, on our sponsor boards, and in all our publications during the FEZtival. Businesses are also encouraged to promote your involvement through your social media channels, and advertising.
One ticket will be drawn as a winner for each tree at the conclusion of the FEZtival. That ticket will win the entire tree and the prizes associated with that tree.
Food and drinks will be available for purchase. Santa will be available during selected times. The success of the FEZtival of Trees is directly tied to the support of the surrounding community organizations and businesses. Thank you in advance for considering supporting our event.
A sign designating the name of your Business or Organization will be prominently displayed with your tree throughout the event
Christmas Team Building Activity – Creative Tree Decoration project will help improve team spirit & brainstorming skills
Your donated tree & gifts will be won by someone in the community
Help raise funds for a World Class philanthropic organization Sponsored
Tree Set-Up
Wednesday, Nov. 11th – 1 pm to 7pm AND Thursday, Nov. 12th – 9 am to 4 pm
Tree Guidelines
All trees must be artificial (8 ft maximum)
All trees must be new and in the original box
Trees should be brought to the Khartum Shrine Centre and decorated there
All empty boxes (for the tree, decorations, gifts, etc.) must be placed in plastic bags, labeled with your organization or business name, and stored on location for the winner
Trees must be properly secured and free standing.
A 10 foot extension cord, meeting standard electrical code, must be provided
Items cannot be placed on or tied to any decorative fixtures (if applicable)
No empty wrapped boxes are allowed
Tree spaces are 6’ x 6’. Trees and gifts must fit within the designated area.
If trees are lit (recommended), the lights must be LED lighting. Consider pre-lit trees.
Tree sponsor must supply all required accessories for setup (wire, tape, hangers, etc).
PLEASE DO NOT ATTACH MONEY OR GIFT CARDS TO THE TREE. If your tree/gifts are to have cash or gifts cards as a part of the raffle we suggest a photocopy for display. We suggest placing any cash or gift card gifts in a sealed envelope marked with the name of the sponsor, the contents of the envelope, and the tree number (to be provided at setup). The envelope will be kept in a safe and given to the tree winner when they pick up the tree.
The value of the tree and prizes are required to be valued at a minimum of $500.
Raffle ticket container and a sign with your group’s name will be provided
Please complete and return the following form to the Khartum Shrine FEZtival of Trees Rep, Denis Lorteau. The form can be submitted by email at FEZtivaloftrees@khartumshriners.org or via mail to 1155 Wilkes Avenue, Winnipeg, MB R3P 1B9 by October 10, 2020
Proceeds are for the benefit of the activities of Khartum Shriners. Payments are not deductible as a charitable contribution.